Our Sunday morning schedule:
Worship Service: 9:30 – In-Person & Online Live-Stream
Join us for refreshments after worship in the Fellowship Hall
· Online Worship is live-streamed on Sunday mornings at 9:30 and can be found using the link on the home page of this website: www.trinityvictorville.org/. You may also want to subscribe to our YouTube page www.youtube.com/channel/UCX-CeSGvf-VFNCZdCcV3qBQ where you will be able to find any Sunday service any time after it is live-streamed, along with other great videos.

Worship FAQ
Whatever you are most comfortable wearing. Some of the others worshipping around you may be wearing shorts or jeans and a t-shirt; others might be wearing a shirt and tie. It’s completely up to you.
Kids of all ages are always welcome at any of our worship services, and our pastor is great at relating to them. There are children’s bulletins and activity bags in the entryway – just ask an usher or go ahead and grab one. If you wish, we also have a staffed nursery available all Sunday morning long, as well as at many of our special holiday services. Ushers will gladly direct you to it. The room directly behind the Sanctuary is another space you may use. It has a few quiet toys, a bit of room for your little ones to move around, and has sound from the service so you can still participate.
All people are welcome to receive Holy Communion at any of our services. In this meal Jesus offers his grace, forgiveness, and presence to all. At the same time, don’t feel obligated to participate if you do not wish to! You may choose to stay in your seat and observe, or come forward to receive a blessing by crossing your arms over your chest as you approach those serving. To learn more about the gifts of God’s grace given in Baptism and Holy Communion, speak with the pastor after worship.
Communion is served in a couple different ways at Trinity. On most Sunday mornings, you will come forward and receive the bread (while standing) to then dip into the red wine or white grape juice before eating it. Occasionally, Communion is served at the Communion rail with the bread separate and the red wine or white grape juice in individual cups. The pastor always gives clear instructions before Communion starts. If you’re not sure what to do, it’s always okay to ask those serving!
Attending worship is a great way to experience what life is all about here at Trinity. While you are there, fill out the tear-off slip on the announcement page and drop in the offering plate when the offering is collected. Here you can check boxes requesting more information, and someone (usually the pastor) will follow up with you. You may also use the back of this slip to make prayer requests and to sign-up for various opportunities. We are glad you are with us, and happy to talk more with you about any questions or interests you may have!